Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fun2Learn ?
Fun2Learn is a Web-App for individuals who are facing difficulties in remembering the names of the states and union territories of India. By playing interactive and creative games, we make students learn maps in a gamified way. We belive in 3 keywords - Involve - Remember - Learn
How can a new individual learn from our platform ?
He/she can visit our Home Page where in the interactive section, they can click on any of the states or Union territory they want. This wil zoom the map to the most famous monument of that state which he/she can visualize thereby letting him/her to invove in it and hence remembering it thereby learning the state and union territory
How can I evaluate my learning and Knowledge
Fun2Learn provides the user to test their skills by playing 3 interactive and creative games where he/she can showcase their mapping skills

  • Game-1 : Know Your Nation - Know Your Nation is a Quiz Game which will assess the Knowledge of the individual by asking quetsions and the individual has to select one of the correct options out of available options to get a score

  • Game-2: GeoGuesser - GeoGuesser is a Guessing game where user will be given one by one question which will ask the location of a monument. The individual then has to click on any location on the map which he/she feels is the location of that monument. More the closer guess, More the score

  • Game-3: Knowledge Mapping - Knowledge Mapping is a Memory based Game where the user has to map his/her Knowledge of the state and its associated monuments. The less time to map, the more you score.
Features of the Platform
  • - Learn States and Union Territories by visting their Monuments.
  • - Test your Knowledge by playing interactive Map games
  • - Learning with Fun is the New Learning Today

Features !!!

Learn States and Union Territories by visting their Monuments

Seeing as we remember places we visit for a longer period of time, remembering monuments can assist an individual in remembering the states and union territories.

Test your Knowledge by playing interactive Map games

The Platform provides user with 3 interactive games namely Know Your Nation, GeoGuesser, Knowledge Matching to test your mapping skills

Learning with Fun is the New Learning Today

Learnig with Fun2Learn in an innovative and creative may by interacting with map is a learning forever

Contact Us

  • Linking Road
    Los Angeles, CA
  • +91-7710914875

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